ummm, modest mouse perhaps? Its weird to say, but I have a feeling music might be leaving us as a way of defining our culture over our generations (think 50's 60's, 70's...). I just dont see any completely radical change happening or coming. I'm probably wrong though... evolution is always slower when you're living in it.
Well, I have to say spring break was awesome, I would've blogged about it earlier when I was really into it, but then I was into it and didn't want to blog. Suprisingly, the trip to the olympic peninsula worked out, and even more suprisingly, it went off without a hitch. We (me and three girls, the one other guy backed out) hiked 20 miles down the coast (I mean coast, not beach... often made up of miles of slippery/sharp rocks), but the hikes weren't too bad. The weather was good, as was the food and wine. We stayed in one campsite that looked like something out of swiss family robinson. Its a good thing to spend four whole days living away from civilization with the ocean constantly roaring, and having your time regulated only by the tides. Got back on wednesday and did some MAD cooking for three days and nights: bread, stirfry, pastries, pad thai, wine... did another one night camping trip a little west of here with frazer, the guy who backed out of the backpacking trip. ended up way out of our minds and chanting like indians around a campfire for maybe an hour. yeah, good times. Note that I did not say anything about doing homework over the break... Despite being back to the grind, as they say, I managed to spend a few solid hours in the sun today, playing guitar, frisbee, reading, catching frogs and playing with ants eating a melted icecream cone. While I was leaning against an old stone wall reading, a snake slithered down my back and another tried to get in my hair... creepy.... .....WHY AM I NOT DOING HOMEWORK RIGHT NOW???