
ummm, modest mouse perhaps? Its weird to say, but I have a feeling music might be leaving us as a way of defining our culture over our generations (think 50's 60's, 70's...). I just dont see any completely radical change happening or coming. I'm probably wrong though... evolution is always slower when you're living in it.

Well, I have to say spring break was awesome, I would've blogged about it earlier when I was really into it, but then I was into it and didn't want to blog. Suprisingly, the trip to the olympic peninsula worked out, and even more suprisingly, it went off without a hitch. We (me and three girls, the one other guy backed out) hiked 20 miles down the coast (I mean coast, not beach... often made up of miles of slippery/sharp rocks), but the hikes weren't too bad. The weather was good, as was the food and wine. We stayed in one campsite that looked like something out of swiss family robinson. Its a good thing to spend four whole days living away from civilization with the ocean constantly roaring, and having your time regulated only by the tides. Got back on wednesday and did some MAD cooking for three days and nights: bread, stirfry, pastries, pad thai, wine... did another one night camping trip a little west of here with frazer, the guy who backed out of the backpacking trip. ended up way out of our minds and chanting like indians around a campfire for maybe an hour. yeah, good times. Note that I did not say anything about doing homework over the break... Despite being back to the grind, as they say, I managed to spend a few solid hours in the sun today, playing guitar, frisbee, reading, catching frogs and playing with ants eating a melted icecream cone. While I was leaning against an old stone wall reading, a snake slithered down my back and another tried to get in my hair... creepy.... .....WHY AM I NOT DOING HOMEWORK RIGHT NOW???

So outside Proctor dining hall, there are these banners. You reserve the space weeks in advance, and then hang a banner - for example, when I arrived it said "WELCOME FEBS." Then it's had announcements about concerts, games, group's events, etc. But the week before break, the banner said "Sarah will you marry me?" Then, like two days after it appeared, the message was crossed out and "nevermind" spray-painted across the bottom. What? The best part, though, is that I FOUND it outside Proctor last night! It's now hanging in our suite's kitchen. Also, we put my bed on top of our two dressers, and my desk underneath, and now have SO much more room. It's fantastic. What with that and the hookah... why would I leave my room?
Spring break in west VA was... crazy. So weird. More on that later.
Ok. In the '60s and '70s there were really important groups, right? CSN, the stones, the beatles of course, zepplin - artists/bands that changed the parameters of music. Who's doing that now? All I can come up with is Radiohead. What do you all think?

everyone remember those tacky black and white velvetty color-in posters you had and loved as a child? Yea, I never had one, but my sister had the unicorn scene, and I watched her color it in, green with envy, because I was too little and couldn't color because I'd screw it up. But now, I am getting my revenge... I have the most bad-ass celtic knot tacky wall hanging velvetty color in poster, and no one's gonna keep me from coloring this baby. *mwah ha ha ha* I love useless birthday presents. : ) (next runner up on the list of fabulous presents is my action hero policeman bobble head doll,yea!)


public service announcement: attempting to eat mostly frozen gummy worms out of pudding immediately after jumping into a cold lake in the rain can be hazardous to your health.


(anna, philosophy is definitely under conideration) I decided to go through the possible majors offered, decided I want a BA for sure, crossed off the ones I for sure DON'T want, and managed to narrow it down to about seven, after my dad pointed out that I was keeping things on the list that I have no particular interest in only because I didn't violently DISlike them. Ah, the genius of it....

I'm at an internet cafe in San Ignacio, Belize. If you're asking yourself, why would she take the time to write a Blog if she's in Belize? Well, screw you, I'm waiting on dinner, so bugger off. I've seen Mayan ruins, iguanas... Its pretty much rocked my world. I spent all day hiking and swimming into a cave to see a full skeleton of a sacrificed young girl. I also saw some blood where they did their sacrificing. Crazy shit, eating shrooms, drinking alcohol, licking toads in a dark cave, the Mayans knew how to party it up. Miss you all.


Thought: why is it that Angelina Jolie keeps making such terreble movies? Anyone?


While reading a sociology essay about some straight-feminist-white guy's struggle to plan a politically correct bachelor party for his best friend, i was struck by a sudden what-am-i-doing-with-my-life frenzy and found myself wading through the PLU course catalog for forty minutes. Do any of the rest of you have majors? Because I seem to have about seven.


there's a kid on campus who everyone calls "gospel" because his name is, get this: matthew mark luke johnson. WHOAH.

Ledah, what is room draw?
I am one of maybe six people currently in my residence hall . . . I am going to have so much time alone talking to the fish i'm fish-sitting for friends in the hall who are actually leaving campus for spring break.
I rode my bike several miles to the grocery store this morning, and then spent a long time actually in the store trying to cut down on the number of things in my cart so i could fit it all into my backpack to get it back to campus. Next i promptly tried to pay by swiping my lutecard (that gets us on-campus meals) instead of my debit card. The guy in the checkout was extra nice to me because I'm from MT. (I think he thought that was why I was incompetent with the card-swiper-dealie. Like we don't have those two states over? Foo, I'm just not used to having money on my card in order to use it!).


OUR HOOKAH HAS ARRIVED! This really means Erin and I will never leave our room...
Also, Erin had her birthday party last night which was a "dress like a TV character from your childhood" party. I dressed as Rayanne from My So Called Life, which I have never seen. I looked her up on the internet, and picked her because she's the crazy slut.
Alright, song of the week: "bitte en sur" (I think) by OneLineDrawing. So good... there's this line about "her hips are like seashells/and I can hear the ocean when I listen." I mean, seriously people, what more do you want out of a song?
This week has been out of control. Three essays for my film midterm, trying to pick a scene for Acting, revising things to be turned in before break... but sunday I'm off to West VA to build a HOUSE! There's something so very appealing about physical work at this point, after spending so much time staring at mountains (which are almost totally obscured by white fluffy clouds today, craziness) out my window.
Room draw is such a hellish procedure. People take it so freakin personally...What are all you who live in dorms doing?
Wow. Longblog


Whoa. What the fuck. Things like that really make me feel like I should be an English major, or at least get some sort of prize for my average ability to construct comprehensible sentences.

Here is an example of what a real live college freshman wrote for a sociological explanation of the different ways that having (or not having) a boyfriend can affect how students fritter away their time. In her defence, it was only meant as a rough draft, but.... I think we should all take a moment and wonder at the extreme lack of english skills that does actually exist in high school graduates. **names have been changed to protect the innocent**

While there are different stages in each person relationship everyone shows different types of laughter. In the first stage of relationship giggling is at the attempt of attraction, when in the later stages of the relationship laughter is a method of joke telling and attention capturing. First the two people adjust to the others adaptation and getting to know one another taking up most of once time, while in the later stages of two years and three and a half year talking engages the future and work related topics. Similar fritters which result in having a boyfriend includes stopping time for the men in our lives. Although differences result in the amount of time spent with our others due to the fact where they are, Jamie lives with her boyfriend, Audrey's boyfriend is a student at the U of W, Heidi captured the eye of a hall member while Carly attracts the members of hall walks. Causing us to fritter in forms of phone on the phone, taking naps together, laughing about who has the dishes, and … From one end of the dating stages to the other boys are a fritter.


I have to read all of "An Actor Prepares" by Stanislavsky today. Rather difficult to muster up the gumption to do work for acting class when I didn't even get called back for any of the faculty shows... Oh well, student directed sounds like loads of fun too. Now I'm listening to "everybody Loves Rachels," this radio show my friends rachel and rachel have on sunday mornings. Currently it's their "mandatory morisette minute" which I'm not sure how I feel about...
Spring break is fast approaching! West Virginia here I come!


good evening all... Tonight was a normal friday (thank god). I had four hours of super-awesome intensive sailing and racing in crazy winds. Got hit hard in the head a few times by the boom. fuckin' hurts. Got back and did open mic. then watched the lion king... I love fridays. none of the roommates are around tonight... sad... I think I'll go to bed anyways... 'night.


Listen to Donald Rumsfield's Poetry set to music if you feel like a giggle.... I love NPR


If you ever feel the need to get shaken up, watch the movie "wrestling with manhood; boys, bullies, and battery." It's about the WWF (now renamed WWE, apparently) and when it says viewer discretion for violence, it's not joking. One viewing of the movie and you'll stop wondering where all the battered women and homophobia comes from. Ah, the wonders of a SOC 101 course. My friend Kate left, and I just felt sick. Me thinks I'll read some Bros K to lift my mood.


my god, my god, another CRAZY-ass weekend. I already blogged about (or on) friday. take that, add a couple more shots, some donkey kong, a naked (body) painting party (picture riley all naked and absolutely covered from head to foot with crazy paint, running around with a bunch of people dressed up in the same way... yeah...), and you have friday night... Take all that and multiply it by ten MILLION crazyness points and you have saturday night... yeah, looked for magic but couldn't find any around lewis and clark, so I got impatient, got drunk, and ended up in the back of a pickup truck wearing a smoking jacket, green, girls pants, eyeliner, and fake flowers in my hair... destination? REED COLLEGE... WOHA... what can I say? I don't know what I would be if I had attended there. at reed, there was magic, in the form of mushrooms: free and more than any one person could ever eat. I did not partake, being already gone, but several of my comrades did, and the atmosphere was enough to make me feel like I had dropped more acid than Ledah's acting teacher did in the all of the '70s: Flaming bikes, pipe smoking, mushroom scavenger hunt, weird-crazy-good music and dancing, trippy slow-plays with people dressed in white, tents strung full of pots and pans for banging, bonfires, all sorts of drugs and alcohol being consumed directly in front of the "campus police".... seriously... and this was "not even close" to the level of insaneness attained at the annual "renfair" (sp?) party at reed, (rated third craziest party in the nation by playboy). I can't wait. until then, I'll be doing homework. despite what it seems like from the blog, I am not drunk, naked, and crazy all the time... recent normal activities include cooking dinner with riley for a bunch of people, sailing in good wind and excellent sun, sitting in the sun, watching van's school kick our ass in lacrosse, new clothes, new music, swing dancing downtown, watching a full bright-orange moon rise directly over mount hood and the lights of portland, and, of course, the ever-present cycle of studying and procrastinating... my soul is full.


So I was looking for flight to escape Ireland today (I'm not even there yet and I already want to leave. Reading Angela's Ashes has permanatly scared me) and I typed in (and misspelled, fancy that) Galloway. When the web page wanted me to clear up my mistake they gave me the option of clicking on Bozmans Gallitan Field. Ahh the things that make you remeber home.


This morning for our weekly Disney and Donuts my cohorts and I watched "Bednobs and Broomsticks." I'd never seen the film before, and no one else had seen it for a long time... it's shockingly anti-german. Perhaps understandably so since it was set during the WW2, but it's strange to look back at childhood classics and wonder.


Whew, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra pretty much made me orgasm multiple times tonight. Faure, Martin, Prokofiev, all in a beautiful theatre, heck yesum.

Reading week is upon me, how joyous! Who wants to write a shit load of papers for me? Oh well, Boozedy Tuesday and Thirsty Thursday will make the time go by....

I hope you all enjoy your normal time spring breaks. I miss you guys a lot.


currently I am experiencing an integral part of the college experience: I pulled an all nighter last night... I took a nap from three to five this afternoon... this means that, in the past 34 hours, I have gotten two hours of sleep... cool huh?... now I've been hitting the vodka, coffee and homemade wine with riley (though now he's left)... what fun what fun, I suppose I'll regret it tomorrow, but right now I;m breaking the rules by writing blogs, e-mails, and making calls to my mother... all while... not right in the head... I can't wait to read this tomorrow... Love to you all... 'night

p.s. the new modest mouse album kicks ass, check it out... also a band I have discovered called "neutral Milk Hotel" is very very cool, listen to them.


I've been informed by all-knowing-senior-drama-major Parker that my acting teacher, Richard, did a LOT of drugs in the '70s. As she put it, "there's probably more acid than blood coursing through that man's brain," and thus I should forgive him for not knowing the names of 1/2 the people in the class after a full MONTH. Which I mostly do. He definitely had some lapses in... brain activity today during class and started rambling something about flatulence. Who knows...
Auditions for next semester's shows are in a week. If anyone knows a good monologue, please enlighten me...



Just check it out, and listen to his rap, you'll appreciate it!

so on monday night i smashed my finger a good one at crew practice, and managed to promptly lose my fingernail. how long can i keep taking four ib profins every six hours before my organs disintegrate?


A coded monday afternoon. we began in the sun. feeding our need for the vitamins only mexico has, spinning disks and spliffs gave a twist of theme. bob marley and the hack. guitar and a friend. guitar and a girl. friend? Endless meaningful wasting of time. marrying the outdoors and alaska to the future. four square, stupidity, and savage raccoons chased us from the nail. Drawing, in graphite, the long stem and a window to beauty and sex appeal that appears to be closing but always remains open. Often something worse for the body than the soul. sometimes the other way around. Cell phones and loving the past just as much as the present. tired eyes, mind, spirit... rest for another day to begin with higher hopes.... 7 REM cycles!!!


Cadbury Mini-Eggs delight my tongue as cellulite builds
Dancing in the rain, warm weather, hits sixty
Eyes burning, reading reading, hours and hours
Belize calls my name, three weeks, three weeks
Chillin' with Mayas and parrots and oceans
Sleeping and dreaming of places beyond here

I felt a bit poet tonight, too bad I suck at it. I miss you all!