
I fucking hate leap year! What the fuck? Another whole day? Lets get February over with already! I'm sick of it! Bring on March!! Why can't we just have a quarter day at the beginning of each year? That would be fun. Then it would get dark at lunch time for a year, breakfast for another, and midnight for another, and then we'd have a normal year. Mix things up a bit y'know? I mean, GOD! This whole light in the day, dark at night thing is getting really fucking boring! And what about those poor kids who are born today? When all their friends are turning sixteen, they'll be turning a whopping FOUR! They can't even drink legally until they're like 84! There's something severely fucked up about that. I think I'll write up a petition.... (actually I'm just pissed because I'm witing another paper the day before its due, hope you all had an excellent weekend, and HAPPY FUCKING LEAP YEAR!!!)


I spent all of today (excluding a two hour crew practice) in my bed. Not in my bedroom.... physically in my bed. sometimes sleeping, sometimes not. aaahhh the wonder of having a room to oneself for the weekend and nearly no homework. (for a first)

So, winter carnival. What the hell is winter carnival? No one I talk to actually knows, although I think it has something to do with skiing... Last night, too, there was a talent show (which I only actually saw the last 1/2 hour of) which the president of the college judged. How cool is that?
Today I'm going cross country skiing, then over to Burlington for a concert, then maybe back here for some ball-type-dance-thing but who knows. Weekend plans also include construction of an igloo.


Zach and I can both attest that vomiting in the middle of the week is not fun. We both blame our food services and possibly food poisoning. Oh well, eating saltines and drinking soda while watching VH1 is not that bad. It's just the running to the bathroom that sucks. Sigh, tonight we drink Kahlua and chill. Good thing for blenders!! Excellent!

I had a hard time convincing Randy that Tracy Chapman was a woman this evening. He kept saying "but this is MY range." How can I date someone who doesn't know who Tracy Chapman is?


being on the fifth floor, in a room with a large window and the tops of trees right outside, I have the unique ability to watch every step of the bird migration without even trying. A month ago I was stunned to see a bright red headed hummingbird land in a tree right outside the window, now there are several. Lots of other new ones, too, and they all seem to sing. My friends, spring is coming.

Went to the pipe store after class yesterday, followed it up with sushi downtown. Got back to campus and Jammed, studied, smoked my pipe, made deep conversation, solved problems, ate a huge orange, hit the ol' Steel Reserve and smoked a cigar with Riley and my roommate Matt. All before three in the morning.


My sociology class had a discussion on homelessness yesterday morning at 8:00. I was blown away at the cynical and distainful views that so many of my peers have towards "bums." Many of them seem to think that people choose to be homeless - they're too lazy to get a job. Meanwhile, statistics tell us that the fastest growing portion of the homeless population is those who HAVE jobs, and simply cannot make enough to put a roof over their heads. Just when I'd managed to calm down, I get to class this morning at 9:55 and my "Liberty and Power" class (kind of like a world history/philosophy/religion course from rennaissance to the present) and had nearly an identical conversation. I just want to STRANGLE someone. Most of these people are perfectly liberal when it comes to race, religion, or queer issues. What the hell? Damn middle-class snobbery.
*whew* had to rant.


Ledah, is your friend James in the Marshall Islands with Dartmouth? My cousin Betsy Hart is there too! :)


O weekend of craziness! By far the most crazy I have ever known, and without any substances in my blood either. Worked sound for three shows on Friday and two on Saturday, including the famous "Casino Night" during which the entire population of Lewis and Clark gets dressed up in 20's clothes, gets drunk, and gambles with fake money while dancing, among other things. Friday night also included an "underwear dance party" which quickly turned into a "naked if you want to be" dance party and makeout fest (I assume orgies followed, but I went my own way before that). All this while under the strain of a ton of homework and the surrealness of a high fever. Last night there was a fire alarm (again) at three in the morning. I put on my bathrobe and went to another dorm to find sleep. Instead, I found a friend of mine drunk, stoned, and angry because two people she didn't know were having sex in her room on her bed. I pulled a sex bust and we tossed 'em out... like I said, CRAZY... found a couple of prospective students from Missoula here too. That was weird. Also my parents were in town, which meant good food and money, and telling half-lies when asked, "what did you do last night?" Overall, I can't say it was a bad weekend... just fucking nuts.

hi, my name is __Janet Jackson______ and my favorite kind of rock is ___skin baring____.
Chris. no, those don't seem grammatical. is grammatical a word?

today was an excellent mail day: letter from Anna (nicaragua), my friend James (Marshall Islands), and mom (MISSOULA!) Whenever anyone finds out I'm from Montana they're pretty excited. It's hilarious. This girl Julie, who I hang out with a lot, was like "Oh my god, I love montana!" That was nice to hear, right, so I ask here where in montana she's been, and she responds "Oh, I've never actually been there, but I love it." What? This is what this girl is like, everything she says is sort of along those lines... Only makes sense if you decide to let it, you know? I love it.
Going to buy a sled tomorrow.


Try reading this late at night when you're literally sick and tired: "To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, or of what is not that it is not, is true." - Aristotle

Thats philosophy. Thats what I'm doing. It would be so much cooler if I could think...


The only thing I can think about is my recent obsession with the color red. It has nothing to do with that disgisting holiday we know as Valentines Day. It started much earlier. Now I'm sitting in my dark room with a red light illuminating my desk. My computer has a red theme and theres a red candle burning in my window... cool... I'm also very hyped up on caffene right now. Which explains my ability to write a philosophy paper and blog at the same time. Yes, this is the second paper this week that I have started at ten o'clock the night before it is due. (and its only tuesday... bring 'em on). Coffee has an extremely powerful effect when you never drink it... I'll be alright though, as long as I can seamlessly integrate four REM cycles when its done... mmmm... college, coffee, chronology, calling, creepy, crap.


Erin is sitting in her cotton nightgown at her computer. Earlier we had a little ace-of-base action. I spent a good 3 hours in "the coop" (top of my dorm) tonight reading about slavery, and another 2 or 3 hours working on this paper, all this on five hours of sleep last night.
had my first radio show this morning with my friend julie. 6-8 a.m. on tuesdays, baby. If any of you happen to be up (why i don't know) or maybe you'd STILL be up on the west coast you can stream it at www.middlebury.edu/~wrmc/ (I think). Badass, eh?
Ok, bed before my head explodes


holy shit my childhood best friend to whom i proposed marriage at the age of two is now a father. son. named Jayden. (the mom's shayla and she named it... her daughter is Hayley. It's a "y" theme.) I'm freakin right on out.


Although I was unable to attend NUs performance of "The Vagina Monologues", I had a friend pick me up a shirt that say "I love Northwestern Vaginas". I intend on wearing it proudly.

P.S. Don't buy a liter of RonRico rum, or any alcohol in a plastic bottle for that matter.


goodbye sunshine, hello rain.... Welcome back to the Northwest. Got up at 6 a.m. today (yes, Saturday) to row. Crew is indeed a cult. However, I got my unisuit, "jl techshirt" and sweatshirt today - now I've got all the spandexy equipment a girl could hope for.


What's with the beautiful weather on the rainy coast? I'm beginning to think I've been magically transported to a place without clouds.
Had the first performance of Vagina Monologues tonight: thrilling part of it, is that all but two of the chocolate vaginas that were ordered were purchased. Two left. TWO. Admittedly they only purchased 50 to begin with (which seems absurd to me) but apparently they've never sold all of them before. PLU is getting somewhere!
I've had a lot of "dude, why is there a vagina sign on Eastvold Chapel" questions today. My spiel on Eve Ensler is getting pretty polished.


O night of horrors. Relationship troubles all around (not for me though, but I was the counselor) also talked to a couple of friends who just got busted with three ounces and some cocaine. sucks. but it was all ok because today was the third cloudless day in a row here... portland?... rain?... nah... (my bubble is soon to burst I'm sure.) I met a bunch of drummers and pulled out my didj and met a bunch of didjers and now we're going to start a didj/drum circle. cool. I looked at tickets to amsterdam. If I had a week and four hundred dollars, I'd totally be there. but I don't, so... bye.


So, apparently, in the 16th Century, there was debate about the Eucharist. Some thought that through transubtation both the bread and wine became the actual body and blood of Christ (Catholics). Some thought that it was merely representational (Protestants).

So if you eat Christ, you must shit Christ.

My European Civ Prof is super cool.

our blog is getting less and less coherent.
On the first day of history class my professor had an outline projected from her computer and her husband IM'd her in the middle of her lecture, which pretty well killed me.

dude, so what is it with this new obsession with smoking? eh? anyways, Amsterdamn by me self sounds depressing. Anyone want to come with?


I don't smoke, but I'm seriously considering buying myself a long gandalf pipe. then I'll learn how to blow a little smoke ring through a big one. sexy.


Randy didn't smoke. But he wanted a pipe. So he bought one. But you can't have a pipe and not use it, so now he smells like pipe smoke every now and again. He and Alan like to go out and pretend to be Gandalf and a Hobbit, I think.


Ahh, I saw Muppets fuck this weekend. Go Avenue Q!!! I really like NYC, perhaps I should live there at some point. Hazah.

A most excellent weekend here in portland, we've had sun every day and it's been beautiful. Friday night was the best. friends and I drank whiskey together in my room, I decided that whiskey also calls for slippers, a bathrobe, and a cigar or pipe, so I put on my bathrobe and spent the rest of the night searching for the rest. I had many adventures, met tons of new people, and hung out a little with just about everyone I know here. lastnight was different, but also fun, I read a good portion of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and then did the same roaming thing as friday night. I ended up going to a production we have here called once upon a weekend, where they write, direct, and perform one act plays in the space of a weekend. It was very cool. Today is for homework, which I'm actually ok with... Riley has been in california for soccer, despite his knee still being messed up... crazy bastard... bye for now.


I saw the :we like the moon: quizno's thing and about had a hernia. The five people I was staying in the beach house with were not impressed. I had a sudden homesickness for Ms Burrell's classroom before sanity came back to me.


Ok so I'm here, snowy Vermont. It is currently absolutely dumping snow on campus, thick and intense, mountains totally obscured.
I'm doing alright so far, although not looking forward to saying goodbye to my mom today. Orientation is good, the first night we had a square dance which was hilarious, and then a talent/un-talent/kareoke last night, after which Erin (roommate) and I came back to our room with a couple people, hung out, they left and we were just going "um, what to do?" when like eight people descend on our quad with a guitar singing that "step back from that ledge my friend" song. It was hilarious. Later I made snow cones with some kids, which consisted of getting cups full of snow and putting sugar on it. I don't really recommend the recipe...
Erin continues to be great. She sleeps in a long cotton nightgown.


speaking of comercials. has any one else noticed that modest mouse is on one of them? weird... chris, you're a crazy one, they didn't tell me you called, but the story makes my day... I'm very much jiving to Spoon now, and I'm being overcome by waves in physics, so this will be it for now... bye.

Chris, I also saw the ad today, and thought of you and our calc class.

I'm going to NYC tomorrow morning! Which, of course, requires me to get up at 5 am, but hell, I don't care!! Tavern on the Green, Carnegie Hall, Ave. Q, The Met, here I come!!!

Yes, be jealous...


Anna's major: dude, hotel manigment! You can get jobs everywhere. I´ve met this girl (who has the thickest canadian accent ever) and thats what she did. She travels around until she runs out of money and then gets a job at a hotel, where ever she is. Apparently they are very in demand. ANd you´d be perfect because you speak so many languages too! DO IT!


Anna's major: I second the sexologist suggestion... I know one, (he lives in the netherlands) and he's one of the coolest people ever. You'd fit right in, Anna.

I spent the break between J-term and Spring Semester at the beach at a house that my roomate's boyfriend owns. Lovely. I didn't actually get to touch the water until I'd been there nearly 24 hours, however. The ocean in February feels remarkably like the ocean in December. Friggin Freezing! Still good and beautiful, though. The wind was blowing against the waves, making the whitecaps spray backwards to look like when the unicorns come out of the ocean at the end of "the last unicorn" (remember that movie?). Also the couples all pretended to be domestic by making meals together. Randy and I turned out a mean batch of nachos.

I have a class at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, and I've been waking up at noon for the last three days. This is no good.

Again, too long since my last blog... I was really, really excited to make one last friday, but the weekend just took it all out of me... last wednesday (whiskey wednesday) was great fun for all. my roommates and I cracked open a bottle of jim beam's choice and poured a round, right after classes at 3. continued sipping wine until one in the morning and then, not being tired at all, decided to continue with the jim beam. only it was thursday... thirsty thursday was born, and a fifth of whiskey was finished off between the four of us... whew... college. Thursday, we had a really big wind storm that up rooted a 110 foot tree right in front of my room... it was crazy, I have since hung its branches all over our hall, it smells nice... Friday I performed at an open mic and fucking rocked it with my didj and guitar and beat boxing and singing. riley helped me out on a few songs too, it was very cool. I then proceeded to wander around campus, and, in short, ended up getting played... tragic... work this week is as intense as ever. so I might be too busy to blog much, but if there are any developments I'll let you know... beth, for god sakes, the next time you are in portland (or anyone else, for that matter) let me know, it'd be great to see you.


Ha! Hookah! I saw what I thought to be drug deals going down in the men's bathroom (unless men are going to bathrooms frequently and in groups now?). However, the Mango Hookah was quite delicious, and I managed to blow my first and only smoke ring. Hot dang!

Have you all seen Janet Jackson's Nipple? Best Super Bowl Ever!!!

Anna's major: sexologist. Not sure if that's the actual name, but damn you'd teach a fine sex psych class

Dude, I don't check the blog for like two days and there are a bazillion posts. All I have to update is my packing status which is, sadly, fairly minimal at this point. I laid out some clothes, looked at the clothes, decided I have too many clothes, felt guilty about my clothes, flipped out over the amount of clothes, left the room. Now I'm eating a cookie.
I'm reading Angels in America, this astounding play by Tony Kusher about the AIDS crisis; you know, 1980s, everyone flips out, gay man's disease, etc. He does all this really interesting double-casting stuff: so and so will be played by the actor also playing, say, The Angel, or Prior, or Belize (former drag queen). Beautiful writing. I also saw Monster and 21 grams within about 48 hours of each other and now am selfishly praying to please god, let me produce just one thing as powerful as any of these in my lifetime. Please.