
my god, my god, another CRAZY-ass weekend. I already blogged about (or on) friday. take that, add a couple more shots, some donkey kong, a naked (body) painting party (picture riley all naked and absolutely covered from head to foot with crazy paint, running around with a bunch of people dressed up in the same way... yeah...), and you have friday night... Take all that and multiply it by ten MILLION crazyness points and you have saturday night... yeah, looked for magic but couldn't find any around lewis and clark, so I got impatient, got drunk, and ended up in the back of a pickup truck wearing a smoking jacket, green, girls pants, eyeliner, and fake flowers in my hair... destination? REED COLLEGE... WOHA... what can I say? I don't know what I would be if I had attended there. at reed, there was magic, in the form of mushrooms: free and more than any one person could ever eat. I did not partake, being already gone, but several of my comrades did, and the atmosphere was enough to make me feel like I had dropped more acid than Ledah's acting teacher did in the all of the '70s: Flaming bikes, pipe smoking, mushroom scavenger hunt, weird-crazy-good music and dancing, trippy slow-plays with people dressed in white, tents strung full of pots and pans for banging, bonfires, all sorts of drugs and alcohol being consumed directly in front of the "campus police".... seriously... and this was "not even close" to the level of insaneness attained at the annual "renfair" (sp?) party at reed, (rated third craziest party in the nation by playboy). I can't wait. until then, I'll be doing homework. despite what it seems like from the blog, I am not drunk, naked, and crazy all the time... recent normal activities include cooking dinner with riley for a bunch of people, sailing in good wind and excellent sun, sitting in the sun, watching van's school kick our ass in lacrosse, new clothes, new music, swing dancing downtown, watching a full bright-orange moon rise directly over mount hood and the lights of portland, and, of course, the ever-present cycle of studying and procrastinating... my soul is full.


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