Over spring break I went to California for my grandfather's funeral/memorial/90th birthday party and saw more relatives than I knew I had. My sister couldn't make it down (she has this nagging thesis thing she's working on...) but about everybody else I'm even peripherally related to seemed to be there. It only rained two days, and I got to play in the ocean!
I've also been going through the depressed-happy-depressed cycle lately. I've decided to go to Mexico for the semester next fall (Oaxaca... it's in the South near Chiapas and Guatemala). I'm going to be a camp counselor this summer at Flathead lake where I grew up going to camp. When I come back I don't know who I'll live with or where I'll live, but hopefully I will have decided what to major in. Currently it's looking like some combination of Global Studies, Spanish, and Psychology. Maybe.