I just finished voting... took a while. You guys would enjoy the satire that was published in the oregon voter's pamphlet "in favor" of our marrige-defining measure. http://www.sos.state.or.us/elections/nov22004/guide/meas/m36_fav.html (the first three arguments on the page). peace.
alright here we go... what a crazy crazy time it has been since I last talke to you all via this internet thingy... I'm really not sure who is looking at it any more, but I'm going to keep writing anyways. I have three weekends to tell you about. and I will use a different font for each. Weekend one: consisted of a drag dance and what seemed like at least a quarter of the campus tripping on mushrooms. I had a glass or two of wine and then being around all the crazy people was enough to bring it all out in me. I probably ran a total of 5 miles around campus chasing, tagging, dancing, picking wine grapes, and writing on things with chalk. We almost completely covered 30x30 foot patch of pavement with chalk art. The evening ended when I was danced to the ground by a live student band... I would probably be fat fat if there were no such things as wild weekends. On saturday I did sound for a very cool show by robbers on high street, and drank beer with the bassist of spoon and other soon to be very famous rockstars. Later, I joined a new club called the guerilla poets society. We memorize tons of poetry and then (very) randomly recite it to people... tons of fun... Weekend two: a very high school-ish weekend... I didn't do too much homework. Ended up going to the homecoming football game on saturday (which we lost) and then to the homecoming dance in a limo. a couple of my friends hooked up there last year and got one to celebrate. we drove around portland for an hour being stuck-up crazy rich drunkards before going to the dance, where I was able to start a circle in the dancing crowd with my bad-ass moves. I realized that had been a lifelong goal of mine... check... Weekend three: (this weekend) I spent many many hours of my week preparing and organizing a two day trip for the sailing club to Hood River for fall break. To my amazement, it worked. We got there on friday morning to find rain and absolutely no wind. We set up the boats and camp and then I waited bored and angry until the late afternoon. Just as we were preparing to leave I noticed a breeze, and thought it would be just enough to sail. My co-capitain, Kyle, and I decided to go out in our own boats because the wind wasn't too strong... within a minute of my leaving the shore, the breeze turned into a 25 knot gail (much too much for one person to hold against). I fought capsizing for a short bit, but ended up in the water and struggling to right my boat. Kyle couldn't help me, so I sat for half an hour clinging to the centerboard on the hull of my boat while the current tried to sweep me in one direction and the wind in the other. During which I watched my tent go airborne (with my backpack in it) across the shore. My friend Zach made it out to me and we still couldn't get the boat up, so we ended up swimming it back to shore... by that time everyting and everyone was soaked and cold, so we decided to get a hotel room for the night. craftily cramming eight people and a bunch of beer into a two person hotel room is quite a bit of fun... this is getting quite long so I'll just say that saturday was completely redeeming with good wind and almost no rain all day.....
And thats my life. The week days have been just as crazy in the academic sense, which is why I've had so little time to write to you all. this is long, but theres not too much else to read. hope to hear from you soon.