
I'M IN MISSOULA. Wow that's fabulous to be able to say. However. I am only here until tomorrow afternoon, so if any of you are in Missoula too, give me a call, because all of your phone numbers are somewhere in the bottom of a box at this point. Otherwise, I will be back in town in . . . oh, maybe two weeks? We'll see.


Finals Week Tip: Do not start to pack for home before you've finished your final papers and your studying, because once I started putting things in boxes, it was just way to easy to say "I'll write another page after I finish filling this box... well now I'm halfway through getting things off my bulletin board, so I'll do that... but now I'm halfway into another box, I'd best just finish filling this one up and then I'll really buckle down to work." Yea. Right.


last night in vermont! Craziness. Called the mum today, when we hung up she said "ok, see you in 26 hours..." Saying "Tomorrow night at home..." or "in Missoula" is so surreal. Currently I'm helping miss Sagie B from Alabama pack, otherwise she would never do it. Previously we had some hookah action, soon some more ("special" hookah) then raiding the recycling bins where people throw out absurdly nice clothing when they pack, a group viewing of Wet Hot American Summer (how many people can you squeeze around a laptop?) then I vote for a game of capture the flag. Then we watch the sunrise. Then it's off to Burlington, Cincinnatti, Salt Lake and home to Missou in time for a late dinner.
Wow, what an informative blog.
I'm very hungry. The very hunger caterpillar...


good npr article... yay legal gay marriage in Massachusetts! http://www.npr.org/display_pages/features/feature_1899518.html


P.S. Wesleyan sucks BIG TIME. At least I know I got in...


whoah. Um. What happened here?


Check out the article about college student disenfranchisement from "Rolling Stone"



Watched "The Full Monty" this evening... love that movie. I hadn't realized it's a Broadway show until I recognized a conversation out of the middle of the movie that was the lead-in to one of the musical numbers in out Night of Musical Theater production here on campus. I wonder if they actually do the full monty on broadway? and how old you have to be to buy tickets if they do? hm.....


Hi Guys,

Sorry to be MIA recently. Here's a quick update. I'll be working Glacier National park this summer as an interpreter, yah for ugly brown uniforms!!! I'm done in 4 weeks. I hope that the school year is going well for you all!!


Spent the weekend in California (Sacramento) for the WIRA Championship Regatta. The crew season is now over! All I have left to do is to help wash the boats next weekend and have a banquet. We drove straight home after the awards ceremony yesterday afternoon, and I got in this morning around 5:00 a.m. My plan is to stay awake through my 8:00 class and then go to bed until I work at 1:00.... then attempt to stay awake again until a decent time in the evening to go to bed. But I'll probably take a nap mid afternoon as well.

I'm going home in 20 days, HURRAH! Also, my Wyoming friend, Heidi, is caravaning home with my dad and me after finals and spending one night in my house. She loves Missoula... says we have the coolest bums in the Rockies.


more stories of craziness:
Any time I try to remember what day it is, I have to think for at least thirty seconds. I'm on an extremely weird sleeping schedule and trying to finish one of those papers that simply does not want to be done. I've been working dense philosophy and late nights for... I can't remember exactally how long... A long time.... the past two nights have been absolute insanity though. I spent them at Reed college for their huge party, Renn Fayre. I think I fell in love with that school, in a weird way... Fireworks, constant live music in several places at once, huge fireworks, glow opera, mushroom pinatas... the list goes on... I'll tell more stories later, now I've got to do the studying I didn't do while I was there... only one week left!