
what if dinosaurs had transparent skin?


You never realize how much shit you have until you try to move it


Hey, everyone should go to www.marriagepoll.com and cast their vote.


To Petey, Zach, Larke et al,

Most definately enjoyed the party, fantasmo! I wish that David and I could have stayed a bit longer, but unfortunately, his parents are still pulling the curfew card when he is home. It's rather sad.

I loved my gin and tonic, as well as Petey's orange medly concotion. I'm sure that ya'll are still there, rockin' out. I would like to host some pizza eating/pool playing sometime this week. Lets get together!


X-mas/ Channika report—
As per tradition we have the Jews over (Silverman’s) and feed them ham. And turkey. Because our family are meat fiends. As presents I received only nonfiction books about depressing subjects (woman’s prisons, the Berlin Blockade, American history, ect.) not a single fiction book among them. We could analyze this for hours I'm sure.
For the first time ever I spent Christmas eve at a house not my parents. Then at o dark thirty (9 am) I rolled out of bed and drove up. Kind of weird and the haul was small (and not really what I wanted at all) this year due to the whole mexico thing. But I did get an egg timer, and a red scraper with a nice long handle for the Beast. It matches.
Quote of the evening “between the two of you we have one perfect kid”
My dad gave my bro a mini bottle of WD40. I'm jelous

I wish I had something interesting to say


Merry Christmas to Everyone! Much love!

hello all! i'm in florence, it's chrismas eve, and it doesn't really feel like it, but i'm having a blast anyhow. i don't have time to sit and read all of your notes just now, but i hope you are all having a wonderful break, i hope there is snow in montana, alan and chris' brews have turned out lovely, you had a great christmas get together (with everyone who wished to getting tastefully drunk), and i love you all. *mwah* feliz navidad, merry christmas, buon feste, etc!

oh, and i found one woman who knew spanish, and we talked, and i was thrilled that i stillr emember something from junior year. love to all!


speaking of weird dreams, i had one involving, Ledah, Zach and I. I robbed a liquor store with them, me holding up the cash register. I then proceeded to steal a bottle of Appletini mix and take swigs from it as we ran from the cops. Then I returned the money out of pure guilt. I guess that makes me a good person.


I had this dream a few nights ago where I was watching Tori Amos sing and then she was suddenly MASSIVELY fat. I mean enormous, obese to the point of danger. Then she was instantaneously very skinny again, but had all this armpit hair down in the middle of her arm, which made me think "huh, maybe it's because her skin stretched when she was so fat." Um. Right.


If you could give a name to our generation (that isn't Generation Y, so help me god that name is CRAP!!) what would it be?

Wow, my computer was doing this peculiar things where it didn't let me post for a little while there. FREAKY.

So my parents and I were over at my grandmother's for dinner the other night, and I went to load the dishwasher, and when I opened it there was a loaf of bread and two bags of spritz cookies in it. I have an odd family...

Dude, what letter are we on? I'm too lazy to figure it out myself... well it is 3:13 a.m.

Yay for polar bearing


Chris, pictures?


everyone, my parents are coming in two hours to get me and go to italy. i haven't started packing.
on the other hand, i did just finish my last final, and I've realized that one of the coolest things about college, is that you don't get homework over Winter Break.




maybe you guys have seen all of this before... but it's new to me.

orifice, orgasm, organic, open, on (top of), ovulate, ornament, order, orange juice (anyone remember Michael's poem?), Oulala!

LOTR: not a disappointment, which is saying a lot considering a certain little one's expectations. But I just have to give one bitchy award. The academy award for the most 'Captain redundancy, the captain' style lines goes to Legolas.

review of LOTR:ROTK? orgasmic.

promiscuous, pull-off, ponder, prostitute, parfait, pucker, pointer, pink, PENIS, pecker


In five hours, I will be watching Return of the King. Yes, it is the middle of finals week, and yes, it is worth it.
panic, playful, popsicle, prance, pill, porn, pop, pounce, pant, and pleasure!

Prank, pickle (to be in a), power-outage, promenade, poltergeist, panoramic, pandemonium, preamble, pitter-pat, and poof!


Hmm, I almost had the opportunity to ride around in a limo in the Osco parking lot, but the guy's limo wouldn't start. Bummer, oh well. We got to take him home, he owes us one.


Thats exactly what I thought Beth, I understand. Chris, when can I see you?

is it bad that the first thing I thought when I heard the headline news this morning is "dammit, this will boost Dubya's ratings?"

necrophiliac, nuns, nasty, naughty, nape (of the neck), near


I love snow, I love all of you, I love being home. Fantasmo!!


Van, not a typing error. A "Dingle" refers to a double occupancy room with one person living in it. Single+Double=Dingle. My roommate is getting married in a week, leaving me the room (A lengthier story will follow when I'm not so tired). I don't make mistakes. Aren't you Missoula folk excited that I'm home? Maybe we could have a little fun this weekend? I'm going to go to bed here pretty soon, but lets do something fun!!

Anna, I don't start finals utnil the 15th.... you're still ahead of someone!
lewd, lucious, lavish, lapdance, lick, libido, lights out!

Home in 14 hours!! Yay for late night Queer as Folk in Caitlin's new dingle!! Yep, my roommate is getting married in week, meaning I get this pad to myself. I'm super excited! I love you all so much.

Krispy Kreme

KY jelly, kinky, kathArine hepburn, kaliedoscope, know (as in biblical), knack, Kangaroo
My dad called me three times from various airports around the nation today... I think he's had an empty nesting relapse.
must go bounce around the room in celebration. excuse me.


Uh, just to clarify: Zach, I was in Dallas over Thanksgiving, therefore, I did not go shopping with you and Ledah the day after. I love you though, its ok. One more final, then tonight, food, board games, packing, who knows what craziness might take place!! :)

Merry Christmas? MERRY CHRISTMAS? Zach, it's mother-fucking December 10th!


No more sociology, AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! See you all soon! Home on Thursday! :)

I'm not going to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, at 2:30 p.m. I board the train for Whitefish, which means tonight I'm going to pack and then watch movies. I rented Amores Perros, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Stranger than Paradise. Yee haw, some weird flicks.
I ate a White Castle burger tonight, which are these square hamburgers about the size of your fist. White Castle is open 24 hours a day, so apparently everyone who grows up in Chicago is always going there at like 4 a.m... Anyway they're a very odd food, but I thought I should have one before I left. Which, p.s., is TOMORROW! Man. My life is a surrealist plot.

Inferior, Impulsive (that's me!), Inch, Hedwig and the, Infatuation

Instigate, Invite, Interrupt. Incest, Impregnate

oh man, the christmas songs have reached a new low. Brandon went home last weekend and burned 200 christmas songs from his parents. Normally, I would welcome the increased diversity, so I don't hear jingle bells four times in a day, only there are now 2 CDs of 'country christmas'... AAHHHHHHH!!!... I may not be able to live through this... If I don't... you can all eat my body to survive... oh man, this ones about "country christmas cookies".......

Jump, Jiggle, Jugs, Jive, "JESUS!" Jose Cuervo



Investigate, Impassioned, Inhibitions, Inside, Illegal

Holy shit next week I have finals, and this week we're in a state of quiet hours 23 hours a day.... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Helping hand
Hard (duh)


My mom is here!
She brought cookies!
I took some incredibly, incredibly awful photos for my aunt's friend's christmas card. I think I'm giving up this photography crap. Seriously. Urgh.
Nucracker tomorrow, and then going to tapas... pretty exciting, kids. We're in the final days in the city, live it up. Except I have about $20 to my name. Hm...

G-day. Ginormous, gap, gape, genitals.

Just had the oddest experience with a wrong number. I'd explain it, but I'm afraid the government would hunt me down. Ask me about it some time.

My mom called and woke me up at 9:20 this morning. Can someone explain to her that college students should never ever recieve a phone call before noon unless there is a medical emergency? She was all bubbly from a phone call from my sister (who is currently in Ireland... "bumming around") and had been up since 5:00 Montana time anyhow... FAR, far too awake. *groan* must....return.....to bed......


They are doing a really short article on my mom in, get this, NEWSWEEK!!! That's right, my moms theory was not only published in the American Journal of psychology (I think that was the one) and seed, but now international news! Sure its just gonna be like 100- 200 words but they are sending a photographer out to take her picture.
Goddamm it, she's getting famous before me. Well I guess I can forgive her 'cause she has got like 35 years on me.
I think I am going to go jump around some more!
bouncy bouncy bouncy

Here I am again, up late but not tired. I'm hearing you all on the weird sleeping patterns but not quite on the stress. I thank god that all my professors realized that most professors are asses and cram you in the last days of the semester. Accordingly, they finished enslaving me a few weeks ago. now I only have one paper and a few finals ahead. ahhhh.... Larke, I think you should call your 'journey of self discovery' inspiration via. peregrination. That's much cooler. It rhymes, and means sort-of (but not really) the same thing..... now I'm going to go to bed....

Hi guys... just a quick blog before I officially go out of contact with the world for the next 5 days. Writing papers sucks, but my dorm friends and I are having a slumber party at the library, so it'll be ok.

I went to Belmont today and got my cartilige pierced. I had a really nice guy named Hank who is in a cult, has 32 piercings, was a former Republican, and discussed politics with my 3 friends and I to help get our minds off of the events at hand. It didn't really hurt. I have a hot silver ring up there on my ear. Straight laced Caitlin is a rebel now, wow.

Premiered my recently purchased 1st season of QAF with friends last night. Showed the first 2 episodes. Most of the watchers were QAF virgins, so it was fun. I miss watching it with you guys though.

I'm home on the 11th, I can't wait! Wish me luck on my papers!! :)

so if any of you happen to be in Chicago sometime with nothing to do on a Thursday (or maybe Saturdays too...) night, I HIGHLY recommend this sketchy underage club called Royal. It's on the corner of Fullerton and Milwaulkee, for your future reference, and is hilarious. Wow. I have to get up in four hours.


Ok folks: the plane tickets have been bought, a new coat may be on the way for x-mass, I am brainstorming masterpiece ideas, THE GREAT AMERICAN (writer) IN EUROPE (and Mexico) ADVENTURE IS NEARLY HERE!!! Were will she go? What will she do? No one knows! But it will be exciting! (and so not a coming of age story or a journey of self discovery until someone finds not stupid terms for those events. Suggestions anyone?) I depart MzLa the tenth (of January), return the 18th then leave again on the 22nd and return the 31st of March and then (hopefully) ride horses almost everyday until July! YIPPIE! I love my life!
(no I am not manic depressive)


dude. Folks. http://www.uky.edu/~addesa01/kidsjoke.htm

Hey all.... it's that time of year again! ....Pornographic Countdown until XXXmas!!! Today is D... (we're starting a little late) but there is a tradition to be upheld. Ranther than quantity, this year, perhaps we should go for quality...... just to keep from filling our blog with obscenities...
I'll kick it off with...
Dirty Sanchez


folks, I've hit a new low. I'm hiding from the cleaning lady. Why do people need cleaning ladies anyway? I woke up and realized she was already here, downstairs, and that I do NOT want to encounter her, so here I am, trying to type quietly so she won't hear me, and hoping my closed door deters her from entering. My supplies? Half a chocolate bar, some water, and a stack of movies. How long will she last, kids, how long will she last...


Tears. Not the sobby heartbroken ones that tear you apart every time you gasp for air. Not the ones laying on your kitchen floor. Not the sniffly soaked handkerchief ones that will never ever stop. Not the tears of exhaustion of over work. They were the tears of frustration with myself, with others, with the world. The tears of ten pages of crap. The tears of a five minute presentation in another language. Of discovering that your perception of yourself is completely different from the world’s perception of you, of your friends perceptions of themselves. Of making a mistake that you thought was right. Of an empty house. Of bad poetry, and pretentious short stories and people you haven’t spoken to in months asking for favors. Of peter pan and willy wonka and the matrix all rolled into one. Of dead cats and Nazis and Israel. Of writing forever and never, amen. Of rain in December. Of clinging to the past. Of ignoring the past. Of the fact that Tupperware has a longer memory than you. Of yowling animals. Of dying children you will never know. Happy world AIDS day everyone

Hey everyone, I'm back at school after an awesome weekend in missoula. the way back was good, but long. our train was delayed two hours before we could get on it in spokane. Boring, yes, but made more interesting by a fat woman in the waiting area, who was quacking and saying things like "you quack me up, wanna quacker?" She passed the whole two hours doing this and welcoming everyone who came from the trains to spokane. near the end she fell asleep singing children's songs (singing while asleep), which were interrupted by the occaisional quack. I couldn't stop laughing even though it was 4AM. We all go a little insane sometimes, don't we? once we finally got on the train, we had to walk through three dark cars of sleeping people before we could find a seat. It was one of the most creepy situations I've ever been in. now that I'm back, the cafeteria food is ten times less appealing than it was and the work load has gone up to prepare for finals. It doesn't help that I got an A on a 10 pager that I wrote at the last minute; just makes me feel like procrastination is justifiable. Cant wait to be back in Missoula for a little longer. Also, Compliments to Zach on a most excellent blog last sunday.

Rampaging out of the desert, clutching two hardened pitas, cometh Bethany! And she gives a vengeful bellow:
"I'm going to spank you until you spontaneously degenerate!!!"

there is a cloud enveloping plu. as in, walking causes drops of water to land on your face, but there isn't actually any rain. it's just one big cloud. what a friggin messed up place. so wet. all the time. it's not depressing, it's just damp. and dampness makes me colder than a cold wind out of Hellgate canyon ever does. brrrr.

I went to Rockin' Rudy's while I was home for thanksgiving (Larke! I'm heartbroken I didn't get a hold of you Saturday. Add ten years of penance onto my purgatory tab!) and they completely rearranged. All the cd's are above, all the stationary below, the jewelry is where the cd's once were, and there are walls where there weren't. At first I was affronted, disoriented, and betrayed. But then I realized, what's Rockin Rudy's good for if it's not new every time you go?

Most memorable moment of the weekend? Family friend (as in my second mother) repeatedly emploring me to be abstinent until marriage. Bizarre.