last night, I went crazy. It all started yesterday morning when I jumped out of bed. I landed wrong, and heard my neck go rrriiip. When I tried to move again, I found I could not rotate my head about the axis that was my damaged neck. So I walked around with it cocked very carefully to the side. then the internet was REALLY slow for the entire campus. I had a bunch of stuff I needed to do, and that was annoying. Then I read this book called "No Logo" for sociology and it got me completely riled up about how the corporations are using globalization to fuck everything up around the whole world and making us pay lots, and creating these Zones in third world countries where 20 some factories are crammed behind a 12 foot concrete wall with barbed wire and armed guards, and the people are paid about a tenth of what they need to live, and sleep in areas marked out like parking lots. (just enough space to sleep). So I went around looking crazy and ranting to anyone who would or wouldn't listen and I started questioning everything in the entire world, so that it was all in my head at once... and all the homework and confusion thats already happening... I broke... and started laughing for no reason, and walked around the campus kicking walls and talking to trees until three in the morning. and then I went to bed, and woke up fine. Actually, that was an exaggeration, but It was one of those times, y'know? Somehow, something came of it though, I think it was just alot of intense thinking all packed into one night. I've been slacking on the blogs (sorry), but I'm going to try to get up on that now. I've still got tons of homework to do though, so I'll say bye.... a side note, I've never heard of metropolis but I have started wearing eyeliner a few times recently. Its interesting to see how differently people act towards you before they know you're wearing it, they think you're "deep," or something else strange like that... or maybe its just hot.
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