
Ahh, I am on the plane and my computer for some reason is convinced I am on the internet and keeps popping up with notices. It took me a full two minuets to write that above sentence. Fucking technology.
Chicago was lovely but you know what they say, it’s easiest to get hooked on heroin after you’ve been clean for a while. Goddamn the Midwest is flat. I was rather disappointed with the sears tower though. I thought that the tallest building in the world would tower over the city, ascending to the heavens all Babel like. But no. It was just kind of there. It didn’t even look that big.
Isn’t it funny the way people won’t talk to you until the last five minuets of a flight? What is the point of that any way? Weirdos.
So yah, Chicago is a nice city and it kind of made me want to go to college (wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles) though it spraaaaawls like no other. Northwest serves really crappy snacks. And I have given myself hiccups. Crap! But I got my cinema reading done so now I can spend the rest of the day catching up on the four movies I missed and the German grammar homework I need to do. Fun fun fun for everyone.


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