have you ever been down and out, and forced yourself to smile as wide as you can for as long as you can and ended up happier than a monkey with a bananna? if not, try it sometime. it works.
it's been too long since my last blog entry. so much to say... I also downloaded itunes and ended up with a couple months worth of continuous music. awesome. For halloween, Riley and I painted our faces in deep blue and red patterns. All night we ran around campus, telling people we were blabbits ("like in the TV show from our childhood - WHAT?! you've never heard of it!?") Actually convinced alot of people that they had seen the show. ha ha ha. I FINALLY got a job. I'm the new "Student Sound Engineer," possibly the coolest job here. I get to go to all the concerts, poetry readings, etc. and set up all the sound equipment AND get paid. Last friday, I participated in two jam sessions, totaling almost five hours of music making. amazing. yesterday I finally made a trip to the wine store here, it was huge! so exciting. It was cheaper to buy two gallon jugs of carlo rassi than two empty jugs so I have alot to drink before I can go about making my own. succeded in drinking a gallon and a half lastnight with riley and a few other friends. crazy. gotta go now, more soon.
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