wonder of wonders, I got a job! A boring one, filing for a property management company, but a $10 an hour one! and only 10 hours a week. Booyah. I'm photographing this dude's birthday party this weekend, which is making me quite nervous because he wants color (ew ew ew) and it's inside, so I have to mess with filters and changing the film speed and blah blah blah. Highly irksome. I did have a long discussion about it with Mikhal, the photography teacher at Marwen, who's about the coolest person I know. She went to Cooper Union (this INSANE art school in NYC, if you get in it's free but they have all these weird things like they only give tours of the school two days a year, etc...) then taught photography at a school in NY, now she's a photographer for the museum of contemporary art which means she photographs the exhibits for slides and museum catalogues, etc, and then she does freelance and teaches at marwen. She's also israeli. I worship her, even if she adores digital.
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