Oh lordy, we watched this terrible film in cinema class yesterday and like five people walked out of the class. It was all I could do to stay for the lecture. Its called Jud Suss and its (loosely) based on historical fact. Its about this Jew who becomes treasurer for the duke and opens up the gates of Stuttgart to Jews (horror of horrors), drives the duke to becoming a dictator, calls in soldiers from a neighboring dukedom to quash a revolt and rapes a Christian woman (those Nazis pulled out all the stops). In actuality Suss was just a by stander who was trying to bring about reform and actually helped the revolt (but they hung him anyway). And the whole thing about the young woman who then kills herself was made up completely. It was shown in '39 just before the implementation of the final solution, to make sure the Germans were completely ready for genocide. Every member of the SS was required to see it and it was parachuted to the front lines. It was disgusting and terrible and it was all I could do to not throw up (and I am not exaggerating). Even now thinking about it makes me shiver.
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